Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3-Chemo restarted

Hello to all. Mark and I went in to the Cancer Center this morning around 8am. He got his blood drawn and the chemo started. He knew without looking at what was hanging when the oxaliplatin was infusing by the tingling he got in his fingers, toes and tongue. The chemo memories quickly came flooding back. He got the exact same regimen as before without the Avastin added. He came home with the 5FU infusion that will last until Wednesday morning. He is feeling extremely fatigued now. He did make it to Colton's football game tonight and sat in a chair on the sidelines. He was much less animated than usual. Colton's team won and will play in the championship game next week. Mark should be feeling better for that game.

Mark's CEA number was higher this time at 25 (from 16) which confirms that we made the right decision in not waiting any longer on restarting the chemo. This is starting to show it's ugly face again and I think we are hitting it where it counts. The PET/CT was totally clean which gives us great hope that there isn't any metastasis anywhere.

Calen made the 7th grade basketball team. We are very proud of him. There were about 56 kids trying out for 15 positions and he made the team. They started workouts today and he will definitely be in shape with these workouts.

We are hoping to make a trip back home to Oklahoma soon for Thanksgiving. We may also make it to the Texas Tech/Oklahoma football game. The kids are excited about that. Mark will have one more chemo before that.

Thanks to all of you who continually show us support and love through this battle. Pray hard that Mark's body tolerates the chemo and fights the cancer. God bless!!!!!

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