Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17-Round #2

Hello to everyone. Mark started round #2 of this chemo cycle today. He got nauseated just thinking of it this morning. He had an appointment with Dr. Farmer before his chemo started and we talked with her about how he reacted last round. She has a great plan for this time and future chemos to help prevent the nausea and anxiety associated with it. Hopefully it will work. Frank came and sat with us for most of the morning and visited with Mark. Mark really enjoyed that and we both really appreciate your friendship. It really means a lot. Mark started getting sick by mid treatment and pretty much passed out in the chair (not literally, but fell into a deep sleep). He was freezing with goose bumps all over him, so I put a warm blanket on him and he seemed to rest well. Colton had his team's end of the year football party tonight and of course Mark insisted on going even though he felt like total crap. He made it through the party and after we got home, he was able to take one of the pills Dr. Farmer prescribed and he really relaxed and seems so much more comfortable. I think this will really help get him through these awful days.

Miki and Scott Parker brought over some chicken soup for Mark yesterday to help get him through the nausea. It is a homemade recipe from Miki's mom. They also brought food for the rest of us which was awfully nice. Thanks so much guys!!!! It was great!!!!

We are gearing up for our long trip back to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. We will have to break up the trip and Mark is supposed to get out and stretch often as chemo patients are at higher risk for forming blood clots. It may be our longest trip on record. Good thing we have a portable DVD player and now an adapted for the playstation2 for the car. haha. We may need them to keep our sanity.

God bless!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

God bless your family. I have not posted for a long time because of not remembering my ID and PW. But I've got that set up again. So many people are thinking of you and praying for you ... we just don't always let you know. But we should.