Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nov 6

Well, we had hoped Mark would be better today, but he still felt pretty lousy. He has had more nausea and vomiting with this round of chemo than he ever has in the past. I am not sure why, but we certainly don't like it. He got some IV medicine for the nausea on Wednesday and is taking some oral antinausea medicine today. It has really been the worst treatment yet. I hope the next one is easier on him. He tried to go in and teach his class today, but had to leave because of the nausea and vomiting and spent the rest of the day in bed.

I managed to pick up all 3 kids after work and make it to Calen's basketball team's parent meeting. We didn't get home until late, so we just grabbed some fast food. YUK!!!! We finished homework and showers and got everyone off to bed.

Please keep Mark in your prayers. He needs to get through these chemo treatments and hopefully get the next surgery done in February. Also remember Paulo in your prayers as he will be starting chemo soon for newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer. God bless!!!

1 comment:

Melissa Denney said...

I don't have your email and it's too late to call. My email is

Let me help you with the children's running around - our soccer season is almost over and there's two of us anyway. Email me tomorrow and we'll look at schedules.