Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18

Hello everyone. It was quite the day. Mark felt pretty ill, but managed to drag himself in for class today. He took his chemo pump with him and taught. He came home and totally crashed. He ate some soup which later came back up. He felt pretty nauseated tonight and was getting annoyed with me trying to encourage him to eat some crackers. You can just imagine this picture, right??? He finally ate a few (probably so I'd be quiet and leave him alone). The antinausea pills finally kicked in around 9:30 this evening and after the kids were in bed and I was finally getting everything picked up and finished in the house, Mark asks me to go get him a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. That certainly doesn't sound like anything I'd crave during a time of nausea, but I figure the pills must be working. I ran out at 10pm and got the food and so far it's stayed down. We will see.... It was just nice to see him requesting something to eat. (I would have prefered something we had in the kitchen, but oh well.....)

Mark should get unhooked from the chemo tomorrow around noon. Hopefully by Thursday or Friday he is starting his rebound. We plan to travel this weekend and it would be nice if he felt good during the drive.

Colton found out his basketball team this evening and they will have their first practice Thursday night. Calen has been practicing hard each night and will finally get a night to rest tomorrow as their practice was cancelled.

Thanks again for all of the prayers and support for Mark and the family during this cancer battle. Continue to pray for all of those battling this awful disease. God bless!!!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I just posted about Paulo's day... which included comments about challenging (for me) food cravings (cantaloupe in November!). We have to be able to laugh. I will pray your travels go well. It will be hard ... try to laugh.