Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5

Mark finished the third round of chemo today and was unhooked from his infusion around 1 this afternoon. He is still pretty weak and fatigued, but glad to be finished. He insisted on going out tonight for my birthday, so we had dinner with the kids and Mark's parents at Provino's. Dinner was great and we all left feeling very full.

We plan to attend a fund raising breakfast for the American Cancer Society next Saturday (Dec 15th) at Longhorn's. Mark's oncologist and infusion nurses are cooking the meal. Tickets will be $5 per person and are available at the door if anyone local is interested in attending. I think breakfast starts at 9am.

We are hoping Mark is feeling like going in to the office some this week as he enjoys getting back into the routine. We will see how he feels in the morning. He becomes fatigued much easier now, even on his good days.

God bless!!!!


Duane said...

Looking forward to seeing you at the factory brother. Things aren't the same around here without having you around to complain about the students with. If you want to have some fun, come on in on Monday and you can help me assign grades in Principles of Accounting ;-)

Tracy Richard said...

Mark, you can start focusing on that big football game coming up...against my Mountaineers (so depressing they blew the Pitt game). Hope to see you at the Christmas party if I can escape the baby bubble for an hour. I'm leaving your pics at the athletics dept. reception desk tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoy them!