Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December 19

Today marked the end of chemo round number 4. I feel as if we're in a boxing match. Mark is doing as well as can be expected. He is having some GI issues, but they don't seem as bad as with the last round. He can't seem to drink much because of the way fluids taste to him, but he feels thirsty all the time. The appetite is not great, but he's trying to get a few things down and is trying to remain strong. He is certainly keeping his head up through all of this.

Today marked the end of school for the boys until Jan 7th. In some ways it will be quieter, but in others it will be busier. Tonight they are both spending the night at the Brooks' house. Tomorrow is Emily's birthday, so we'll do presents and cake (hopefully since I forgot to order one and will be calling around in the morning trying to get one) after I get off work.

We are anxiously awaiting news on an appointment at MD Anderson. We will also be visiting with the Birmingham surgeon again in January and repeating the full body CT scan as well. Our appointment with the genetics department at UAB got moved to Jan 24th. They will be studying Mark's case because he is so young at diagnosis. Our children may be at risk for this disease and may need to start screening in their teens. They will go through an in depth family history and probably do blood work.

Continue to pray for Mark. The prayers and support have gotten us through to this point. We are truly blessed to have such great friends and family. God bless you all!!

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