Thursday, December 27, 2007

December 27

Hi to all. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Ours was good. We went to Christmas Eve vigil mass and then spent Christmas day at home with the kids. They actually slept until 7am. It was great watching the excitement in the kids eyes and faces as they opened gifts and saw what Santa brought them. We really enjoyed the morning and Mark was feeling good. We had a small dinner (Tur duk hen) and some side dishes mid afternoon. Mark was worn out and had some tummy issues in the afternoon, so he spent the rest of Christmas in bed.

Matt and Angie drove down from Oklahoma (Mark's twin and fiance') yesterday and late yesterday evening Eugenie, Ryan and Kaylie flew in from Austin. Mark, Matt and Calen drove to Birmingham to pick them up and didn't get home until after midnight. They were up until 2:30 visiting. Mark woke today not feeling so good and is resting in bed now. Hopefully he will rebound so that he can spend some time visitng with the family while they're here.

Mark's next chemo was postponed to mid week, so he'll go in Wednesday Jan 2nd and finish Jan 4th. That will be round number 5. After round number 6, we will have the repeat CT scan in Birmingham. I am also working on the MD Anderson referral now. Hopefully by the end of the day, we'll know something about our travel plans for Houston.

Take care and God bless!!

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