Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9

Good morning. Mark had an okay night. He is still having quite a bit of pain and required 4 additional hits of IV Dilaudid yesterday in spite of 15mg of oxycodone every 4 hours. We are going to try him without the IV meds today since he cannot be discharged with the IV stuff. If he does okay, we can go home tonight (to the Family House).

Mark still needs to have several things done before we go home, so if we go I have a feeling it will be LATE today. We will probably need a wheelchair to use this week and a shower chair for the Family House. I will have to get him to Dr. Bartlett's office either Thursday or Friday for his appointment and there is no way he can walk to that. It is a city block with a steep hill.

We will go home with the catheter in and he may get his 44 staples removed in Dr. Bartlett's office. If not, I can do that when we get home. We will see.

Andy spent the night with Mark in the hospital. He wasn't very happy with Mark's nurse today when she came in and asked him if he was Mark's dad. He said he preferred his nurse yesterday much better. haha

Andy will leave today, but Mark has enjoyed visiting with him. Hopefully the rest of the week goes smoothly and we're home in time for Father's Day.

God bless!!!


Lee Colquitt said...

Mark's dad? That's hilarious. I'm guessing you tested the staples with that belly-laugh. I feel a nickname coming out of this one. I suspect that Mark's already got two or three for us to choose from.

We look forward to having you back in town. We'll continue to pray for your recovery.


Unknown said...

Hang in there. You would be very startled I think if you knew how many people were praying for you all every day. You have returned that effort many times by your grace in this struggle. You WILL feel better very soon.
God Bless you all.
randy beard

stacey b said...

Glad to hear "Pops" is living up to the nickname. Andy is never going to hear the end of this. NEVER.

Hope to see you guys back in Auburn soon.