Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9-Evening update

Hello. We did not get to go home from the hospital today. They decided to keep Mark tonight and will probably discharge him tomorrow. He had done okay today with just the pain pills. He has tried hard not to ask for any IV medication to control his pain. He suffers through the last hour or so. They have offered him extended release pills or even pain patches, but Mark feels he is starting to get better control and wants to stick with this overnight. We'll see.

Mark got up in the chair for a few hours twice today, but didn't do any walks in the halls yet. He just hasn't felt up to it. He is pretty weak and has lost a lot of muscle mass. We are pushing the Ensure and protein as much as possible. His diet is mostly soft stuff right now.

We will need a wheelchair to push him around when we come to the Family House tomorrow. He isn't strong enough to walk very far, but hopefully that starts coming soon.

Andy left today at 2pm and was driving to South Carolina for a conference which was another 8 hour trip. He was quite the trooper with all that driving.

Keep praying for Mark's recovery. Also pray for Julie (I gave you the wrong name 2 days ag0) who needs a multi organ transplant). They have been staying in the Family House for 1 1/2 months now this go round and stayed several weeks back in January. She is young adult and weighs only 61 pounds. She really needs those organs.

God bless!!!

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