Saturday, June 7, 2008

June 7

Hi everyone. We had a bit of a rough day today. It started out okay. Mark didn't sleep much because of 2 fire "drills" in the middle of the night. Go figure. What hospital does a fire "drill" in the middle of the night with alarms ringing constantly???? Anyway, there wasn't a lot of sleeping going on.

Mark couldn't urinate and had to be cathed again in the middle of the night. They decided to let him try once more on his own today, but if he couldn't go, they were going to put in an indwelling catheter that he will go home with and we will have to see a urologist upon return to Auburn. Mark wasn't thrilled, but welcomed the relief the catheter brought. Of course he couldn't go. His nurse today isn't so kind and decided she was going to wait until 2pm to see if Mark could pee on his own. He was in a lot of pain and sweating and just MISERABLE. She was nowhere to be found, but showed up at exactly 2 pm with the catheter. I wanted to hit her!!!! I hope someday she gets the favor returned. It really was not nice at all. Mark had way more than a liter of fluid in his bladder and after the relief, he took some pain medicine and went to bed. He is just wiped out. Poor guy!!

He walked outside this morning before all of the above stuff happened, but that has been his only walk since nurse Ratchet decided to make Mark suffer the rest of the day. (Can you tell I'm a little upset and bitter?????) (Also sleep deprived). That has been Mark's only walk today, so she has really caused a setback as opposed to helping Mark.

Hopefully things will start looking up this evening after Mark rests.

Matt spent the night with Mark last night and was very tired today. He took off for the airport at 1:25 today and should be landing in Oklahoma this evening.

Andy, Eugenie and Sue (my mom) are still here. Eugenie leaves tomorrow and Andy will be leaving for a conference on Monday.

We are hoping for a discharge on Monday and a follow up appointment with Dr. Bartlett on Thursday or Friday and will most likely fly back on Saturday.

Keep praying for healing (and thanks for listening to me vent today). God bless!!!

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