Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5-Chemo

Hello again. Mark is almost through with the second day of infusion and will be unhooked tomorrow afternoon. He has been sick (like usual) and vomiting a lot. He feels pretty lousy and hasn't been up much at all. He was able to keep down his anti nausea cocktail tonight which makes him very sleepy and he has been knocked out since then. It is good to see him resting peacefully instead of looking miserable and up vomiting all evening. It was quite a blessing that he kept the medicine down and is getting rest. I hope he is able to sleep all night without waking up with the nausea.

Tomorrow evening is Calen's Confirmation at the church. Mark is really hoping he feels up to going, we will see. If he's not vomiting, he will try to attend.

Tonight was busy with Emily's recital pictures. We didn't get home until after 7 and were exhausted. We made a quick run by the church and I was able to start my car with the other key. (It's a weird Ford thing- the key periodically won't work at all in the car. It is totally dead, but if you use the other key, it resets itself and then both keys work again. Don't ask how we figured that one out.) After the kids were in bed, Andy came by and drove me to the church to pick up my car, so tomorrow Mark should have a way to get himself to the hospital to get unhooked. YEAH!!!!! Both of the boys ended up getting rides to and from practice. I really need to look into this cloning thing. haha

Thanks so much to all of you who support us through this. We really appreciate all of the help, support and prayers that continually come our way. God bless!!!!

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