Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25

Happy Memorial Day to everyone. We are doing fine. Mark is feeling good. He just has some cramping now and then in his abdomen and his usual problems with the ileostomy, but we are thankful for a good week. The patch was quite helpful overall.

Colton gave us some unwanted excitement yesterday. He fell out of a tree at church yesterday and we had to take him to the ER. There is a buckle fracture in his left wrist. He will need a cast and will probably be in it for 3-4 weeks. We will see the orthopedist this week for more clear information. He won't be able to play baseball or swim for a while. Hopefully that will teach him not to climb in trees. We had just told him not to climb the tree and did he listen?????

The kids are looking forward to summer and being out of school. Of course, swimming will be out for Colton for a bit.

Thanks to all of you who continually pray for Mark and give us support through his fight with cancer. We appreciate it more than you know. God bless!!!!!!


Unknown said...

colton fell out of a tree at st michael's? i didnt think we had any trees worth climbing! must be in the back somewhere?
anyway, please remember that the prayers for mark and the bertus family continue every day. and they will continue until that day when mark is cured and well. and that day IS coming.
God Bless

Unknown said...

lol about colton. Glad the patch is working!!! I thinking about you guys!!!
