Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17

Hello to all. We are back from a long weekend in Panama City Beach. It was a lot of fun, but we are all tired and ready for rest. Mark is starting to dread tomorrow. He hates the evening before chemo- he starts feeling sick already. The boys both had baseball tournaments at the beach and we got to enjoy the surf and sand a little as well. Both boys did well and we were proud of them. Mark was out in the heat a lot and that always makes me nervous. He can dehydrate easily and it is so humid down there, but he managed okay.

Mark is going to try out a new medication for nausea this chemo round. I REALLY hope it works!!!!!!!!! He needs a break. I got a call Thursday afternoon from Dr. Farmer's office saying she wanted Mark to try this new patch for nausea, but it is so new that none of the pharmacies are carrying it yet. Luckily we have a wonderful pharmacist friend, Sherry, who worked her tail off getting it for us and even drove it down to the beach for us with her. She is really something else!!!! Dr. Farmer wanted the patch on Mark 48 hours before chemo and he will wear it through the 3 days of treatment. We are praying hard that it will work. It is certainly expensive medicine. The one patch was just under $400. Lucky for us BCBS picked up most of the tab. I'm thinking for that price, it better do SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! We shall see.

Emily has her dress rehersal for the dance recital tomorrow. She is getting excited about the recital which will be Wednesday night. It is doubtful that Mark will make it because of the chemo, but her brothers and I will be there to cheer her on. It is the least they can do after all the baseball, football and basketball games she's been to for them.

As always, continue to keep Mark in your prayers. God bless!!!!!

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