Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20

Hello everyone. Mark had his test this morning. We did not get the great news we were hoping for. He still has the fistula or leak from the colon. It has gotten a little smaller since the last study. They also found another fistula since the last study which was very tiny. I am not sure why he would have formed another one. This is common in people who have had radiation to their tissues, but he has not. I don't know if it is a side effect of the intraperitoneal chemotherapy. It can also be pretty toxic. Anyway, it hasn't totally healed as we had hoped and the chances of reversal soon have gone out the window. That is okay. We would rather be safe than do something to jeopardize Mark's health at this time.

We will send the films off to Pittsburgh again and wait on their opinion as to our next step. We may end up proceding with chemo before the reversal after all. Not sure yet if this is what they'll say, I am only speculating.

Mark's mother had her colonoscopy today. It was normal and we were all glad to hear that. His dad's test will be next week and then the whole family will have been tested.

Keep praying for healing and strength. It has done wonders for Mark this far and we have seen a miracle. God bless you all!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we are so sorry the news wasn't better- it probably seems worse because things have gone so very well in many ways. the prayers will continue, and you will get better news very soon.
God Bless the Bertus Family