Friday, November 23, 2007

November 23

Mark had a good day today. He is starting to feel better and seems to have a little more energy. We spent the day with family. Mark got a lot of rest this morning and we took him out for a short midday outing. Mark drove Jenny, our sister-in-law, to Toomer's corner and we let her try the famous lemonade. We then went to Tiger Town and had an outing at Target and Books-A-Million before driving home. Mark got to watch some football games this evening and will be saying goodbye to his twin brother Matt in just a little while. Matt, Angie, Jolene, and Lauren will be leaving this evening on their journey back to Oklahoma City.

We are hoping to make it to the tailgate tomorrow for the big Iron Bowl. Mark is still undecided about attending the game. It will depend on the weather and we'll see how he's feeling.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support. We are truly blessed with the best of friends and family.

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