Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb 9-Chemo

Hello again. Today was Mark's chemo infusion day. We headed to the center early this morning after getting all the kids off to school and day care. Mark's blood work was done and the CEA (cancer marker) came back a little higher this time at 19. Dr. Farmer came out and talked with us briefly and decided to continue Mark's chemo regimen this time as is since they were already mixing it, but we will be changing to a new drug cocktail next visit to see if we can get a better handle on things. We have another appointment on February 20th to discuss everything before Mark gets the new meds on Feb 23rd. We weren't thrilled with the news, but it looks like we need to make some changes. We hope that this new regimen will be just what Mark needs. Mark has actually been feeling really good. He looks great. I don't know whether or not Dr. Farmer will do another scan, but we're about due for one anyway.

Our trip to Europe is fast approaching. Hopefully the new chemo doesn't totally wipe Mark out so that he can enjoy the trip. Mark also has plans to go to the Master's practice round and the first round of play in early April with his dad, a friend and possibly his brother. He is really looking forward to that.

Baseball is getting into full swing now. Colton's team had a practice game in Montgomery last Saturday and we were all sunburned. It was a beautiful day. His first tournament is the last weekend of February and between him and Calen, we only have one weekend off until the middle of July. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Emily is still practicing her ballet and tumbling. Her recital should be coming up in May. She is excited about it, but still thinks she is singing, too. I really hope there isn't a microphone, because she might just get up there and belt one out. She loves to sing one of the songs from Barbie and the Diamond Castle.

Continue to pray for Mark and healing of his body. We could really use the extra prayers now with the chemo regimen changing and the CEA marker rising. As our visiting priest said on Sunday, "PUSH" or Pray Until Something Happens. God bless!!!!!


beacon72 said...

Prayers for your family always..

Unknown said...


I have been reading this blog since it was created. The Waters family lifts you and your family up in prayer each evening. We will continue to pray for healing and comfort.

Gary Waters

Unknown said...

I am praying for you guys! Is Mark teaching this semester? I heard he was considering teaching one course in the middle of the day.