Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone. We pray that this year will be a better one for us. We've certainly had our share of ups and downs.

Mark had his test last Friday to see if the rectal fistula had healed and we were jumping for joy to hear that it has finally healed. Now we wait to see what the Pittsburgh doctors think. The catch to all of this now will be what is happening with his chemo and the cancer marker. The original plan was to stop chemo for 4 weeks if the fistula was healed, go to Pittsburgh for the ileostomy reversal surgery, off chemo another 4 weeks for healing and then resume the chemo regimen. Now we are not sure that we can stop chemo yet. We are praying hard that Thursday's blood work is good news and that the last CEA test was only a fluke. We will see. There is so much anxiety that goes into all of this waiting. I can't even begin to tell you. It consumes every thought of every day.

Mark is hanging in there and staying tough. He gets tired a lot and requires a lot more rest than he used to. He managed a round of golf this morning before going in to the office for work. He is gearing up to start the new semester at Auburn. He really looks good. He loses weight his chemo week, but has always managed to put it back on in his off week and that is a great sign.

The boys started school today and were excited to be going back. Emily had her 4th birthday party last weekend. She had a blast and is getting so big and just seems so grown up these days.

I just found out today that one of my favorite patients in my clinic was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. He is the sweetest guy and his beautiful, sweet wife is always by his side. They are seeing Dr. Farmer, so I know they are getting the best care. Please remember him in your prayers. Please continue to keep Mark in your prayers as always. We really need them this week. God bless!!!

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