Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan 26-Chemo

Hello everyone. It's been quite a while since I've posted. Sorry!!!! Mark has been doing so well. He has really had a great 2 weeks this past round and we pray that the current one is as good as the last. We got up and got the kids off to school as usual and went to have breakfast before making our biweekly journey into the infusion center this morning. Mark was nauseated just walking through the doors. It always happens to him. His weight is maintaining which is always a good sign while on chemo.

Dr. Farmer decided to do another CEA marker today even though it was early. His number came back at 16 which is running right on where it has been. It certainly isn't changing much at all and that means stability. We always hope for a fall, but stability is also a huge blessing at this point. Now we have to decide whether or not Mark wants to try the desensitization process with the leukovorin. It is a big decision and we are considering it. Right now Mark gets the Avastin, Oxaliplatin and 5FU as his chemo regimen each 2 weeks.

Mark was a trooper again and went to Calen's basketball game tonight after his infusion. Drake won by 30 points. That was their last regular season game and they have only a tournament left this weekend and basketball will officially be over. Of course, he is already practicing baseball and has been for a while. (Does it ever end????) :)

We met a great couple in the infusion center today. He is going through his second battle with cancer in his lifetime and is on his last round of chemo with only 3 more treatments left. They were thrilled and Mark and I enjoyed visiting with them today. You really do meet some of the most remarkable people during this journey. His name is Joe. Please keep him in your prayers that he stays in remission. They are expecting their first grandchild soon. What a blessing!!!!

Please keep another friend of ours battling metastatic lung cancer in your prayers. He has just started chemo.

As always, remember Mark in your prayers. We have been so blessed with great doctors, infusion nurses, family and friends and that keeps us going. Mark is such a trooper and definitely my hero. He stays so strong and positive and his attitude says it all!!!!! Thanks to all of you who read this and keep up with us and our story. God bless!!!!!


Kim said...

What an encouraging posting, Ronda. Thank you for reminding us to thank God for all his blessings.

Jennifer Morrissey said...

I am a friend from high school. I just heard about Mark's illness. He is still one of the nicest people I have ever met. Please know that my prayers are with you all during this challenging time.

God bless,

Jennifer (Gartner) Morrissey