Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb 11, Chemo #8

Hi everyone. We're back from the infusion center and Mark is receiving the 46 hour infusion of the 5FU which finishes Wednesday around noon. He's starting to feel puny already. His labs were normal today. They didn't do the cancer marker this time, but we'll do that again at the next infusion. The weather here is gorgeous which helps. We didn't have issues with getting Mark out in the cold today and that is a lot of help.

This chemo regimen is supposed to be 12 cycles. We're still not sure about long term plans since Mark's primary tumor is still in (hasn't been surgically removed) and he still has lymph nodes present and one suspicious spot on the liver. The peritoneal disease doesn't show up on CT or PET scan, but was only seen by the surgeon which also complicates things. We will have to begin planning for what to do in April after round #12. Three of Mark's chemo drugs could be used longer, but one will most likely have to be stopped to avoid permanent neuropathy problems. Of course, we're still waiting to see what the doctor from Pittsburgh says. If surgery is an option, it will have to wait until we are stable enough to stop the chemo for a while. The Avastin will need a washout period or Mark's healing will be difficult.

We continue to feel blessed that Mark has done so well with the treatment this far and pray that it continues to go well. For those of you who don't see Mark regularly, he looks great and you'd never guess him to be sick if you didn't know. He has a great attitude and fighting spirit and really never let's any of this get him down. We appreciate all the support and well wishes. Continue to pray for Mark and the doctors and nurses treating him. We hope that they lead us to the right path for healing and recovery. God bless!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


We continue to pray for you and your amazing family. I check the blog daily and it is wonderful how Ronda keeps everyone informed.

I have no doubt you have what it takes to beat this. Everyone I run into from B'ville always asks how you are doing. Dan Noyes sends well wishes.

Keep up the Good Fight!

John Kilgallon