Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jan 30, Finished round #7

Hello!! I wish I could tell you Mark was rebounding as usual today, but he has been having a very rough day. This is about the roughest I think he's had. He was so tired and weak today that he had difficulty keeping his eyes open to talk with me this morning. At noon when his chemo was finished, he just couldn't find the energy to get up and get to the infusion center to get disconnected. It's really been a rough one for him. I tried to drive him, but he insisted on getting up and going himself and he eventually made it.

Calen had practice for both baseball and basketball tonight. Mark had planned to drive him to both, but found that he was simply too weak today to manage. Thanks to Joey Weaver for getting Calen to and from practice. I think Mark has some sinus problems going on which may be why this chemo cycle has been so rough. So far he is not running fever and we're hoping the energy starts coming back tomorrow.

We didn't hear anything about MD Anderson today, so we'll have to call Birmingham tomorrow to check on the appointment.

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support of Mark and our family. We appreciate all the prayers, cards, messages, and meals. God bless!!!!

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