Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16-Flex Sig

Mark just finished his colonoscopy. He is still sitting here recovering as I am typing. He is a little goofy right now, but was glad to hear that the colon looked clean. Dr. Gilbert did his procedure and didn't find anything at all except a small residual fistula from the previous surgery. He said the colon looked good and there was nothing that appeared to be pushing in on the colon wall from the outside as before. It was quite a relief to hear.

Mark will have to sit here for a little bit and recover. When he is released, we plan to pack and head to Orange Beach to join Colton and his team for the Global World Series. They played games today already and will continue the tournament through the weekend. He got a buzz cut and his coach sent us a picture of it. Apparently a lot of the boys went and got the cuts, but Colton being blonde almost looks bald. Too cute!!

Mark is still feeling puny from chemo, so hopefully he will sleep on the drive down tonight and will have some recovery time before game time tomorrow morning.

God bless!!!!

1 comment:

John Jahera said...

That's good to hear! Glad the sig came out fine. Now just kick back for a few days and enjoy the beach.