Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30

Yesterday was a tough day for both Mark and I. We went in to the infusion center and met with Dr. Farmer. Mark's CEA was higher at 28. His CT scan showed some possible activity, although it could be just inflammation from his surgery in the abdominal wall. The only sure way to know is to do a biopsy and we don't plan to do that just yet. The films will go off to Pittsburgh for another look and to get their opinion. There aren't many more chemo options since this one doesn't seem to be working well, but we discussed what options are still available. The good news is that Mark's cancer should respond to the Erbitux. There is another one similar to Erbitux that we may be able to use as well and after we've been off Oxaliplatin for at lease 6 months, we may be able to retry it to see if we get a response again. He responded well to this at first. Dr. Farmer also discussed getting Mark into some clinical trials at some of the larger research centers. Hopefully we don't need to go that far. He was very down yesterday to say the least. It really took all the wind out of his sails.

Emily was sick last night running fever and woke up with it, so I am home with her today. I guess it worked out okay because I think Mark could use some extra TLC today at home.

We are not giving up hope and will continue to fight this awful disease. We seem to be in a valley right now, but hope to climb to the top of the mountain again soon. Keep Mark in your thoughts and prayers as always. God bless!!!!!


John Jahera said...

Keep faith....all of you are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

I'm with you guys. I know you will keep on fighting and I will be praying as we go along!