Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13

Mark is starting to rebound from the last chemo round. He was unhooked Wednesday around noon and felt pretty lousy yesterday. He is perking up today. Usually by Friday he is starting to feel more like himself. This was a pretty typical round for him.

Today is Colton's first baseball practice. Colton dressed in his full uniform last night after his shower (including a cup) and slept in it and wore it to school this morning. He is a maniac when it comes to sports. He is very juiced about practice tonight. Emily and I are on our way out there to watch them.

Mark is having an emotionally trying week. Colton has been very upset and crying a lot this week about dad being sick and Calen as well. It is very difficult for Mark to see this disease tear up the kids so much. Mark was pretty down and a little tearful today as well.

Please keep Mark in your prayers. God bless!!

1 comment:

Janice said...

Hello Bertus Family!

You guys are the best. We really admire you, you are staying focused on the important things and working as a team to get through this.

Tears and even anger are inevitable. I have a few words for cancer that I can't share on a family website (but Mark, I think you might know some of them!). A good friend guided me to share those feelings when they arose, and it is so much better than stifling them. Good job, you guys!

We continue to hope for good news for you all, and are so glad that you are scheduled to see Dr. Bartlett.

Colton, Jason says "Go Twins!" We'd love to come out to one of his games, let us know when Colton plays.

The Caudills