Monday, December 29, 2008

December 29-chemo

Hello again. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. We had a nice one here. It was quiet with just our famiy here in Auburn. The kids had a great time and enjoyed their gifts. We went to mass on Christmas eve with the kids.

Mark and I headed in to the Cancer Center this morning for Mark's infusion. He had his blood drawn as usual, but for the first time it wasn't good news for us. His CEA marker went up to 17. We were not happy to hear that number. Dr. Farmer came and talked with us some about what this all means. It may be that the 5FU isn't working as well since Mark developed an allergy to the leukovorin (which is the catalyst for the 5FU). Maybe it's just a blip in the number (we pray). He got his infusion today as usual minus the leukovorin. Mark will have his blood for the next infusion done early on Thursday the 8th. If the number is the same or higher, we will have to change his treatment. We pray hard that the CEA goes down. The 5FU and leukovorin are the cornerstones of all the chemotherapy protocols for colon cancer.

Mark has another test this Friday to see if his fistula has healed. If so, we will also have to consider when to schedule his reversal surgery.

This has been a very trying day for both of us. We are trying to stay positive and hope and pray for good news next week when the lab work comes back. Keep Mark in your prayers as always. God bless!!!!


Ms. Friend said...

I am so sorry to snoop into your life. You do not know me, but I have been following your journey through your blog and I am continually keeping you, Mark, and your family in my prayers. In fact, you are a significant catalyst in jump starting my daily prayer time that has been rare for me in the past several years. I tend to be a selfish, hard-luck prayer person. I am working to change that and I thank you for showing me that faith and prayer are not only important, but necessary. Wishing you all the best. God Bless.

Unknown said...

dear bertus family: there are many ups and downs on your journey, and this result is one of the downs. please always remember that you guys are not alone-the prayers for your healing and recovery continue daily at st. mike's and all over. God is merciful, and you can have confidence in Him.
randy from SMCC.

beacon72 said...

You are always in our prayers-Your faith and strength through this journey have been amazing. We continue to lift your whole family up in prayer. God Bless-The Correia Family for SMCC