Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2

Hello to all. Mark had a better day today. He is pretty puny from the chemo, but doing better than the last 2 infusions. I think the meds are helping. He went out to teach in the late morning and then had to get Colton to basketball practice since it starts at 4pm and he was able to do that okay. I picked up the rest of the crew and when we got home, the nausea was starting to kick in, so Mark got a dose of all 3 pills and has been sleeping soundly ever since. He looks very comfortable. I guess that's one way to get through the chemo. It certainly beats feeling miserable!!!!

The kids and I had dinner and did homework and got showers done. Not much excitement tonight, thank goodness.

Pray for healing of Mark's body and a cure to end all of this awful cancer. God bless!!!!!


gary said...

Hi Mark,
It was great seeing you at the FMA. However, it really pisses me off that you got to see both the UT and TT games.

On the bright side, I got to see the Montana State vs. Sacramento State game! Even better, ski season is open, we have passes, and the snow has been falling.

Hang in there, man. I'm thinking about you.

Gary Caton

Michelle Maxey said...


I just want you to know I have been praying for Mark and your family daily. I also try to keep family here updated with what is going on. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.

Michelle(your cousin)lol

P.S. Boomer Sooner!