Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 4

Hello to all. Mark had an okay night. Eugenie spent the night with him. He rested well. He was not able to urinate as much as they needed him to and just before noon today they had to do an in and out cath on him. We requested lidocaine jelly to numb things up which helped. He had to take some Flomax to reduce the prostate swelling and now he is extremely nauseated and they have to reattatch the NG tube to suction. He cannot tolerate anything on his stomach yet which means that NG tube cannot come out yet. He had a lot of residuals after they clamped it off this morning as well. His ostomy site is starting to work some, but we're still patiently waiting.

He is having some pain and isn't getting up much. He just wants to stay in bed now since he feels so puny and dizzy. His hemoglobin came up a little to 8.4 this morning. They cut back on his IV fluids which helped with that. (He is not so volume overloaded).

He made one small lap in the hall this morning and we are trying to talk him into his second lap now (It's 2 pm here). He needs to get up 4 times today for walks. We will wait a bit to see if the nausea subsides with the meds she just gave and being hooked back up to NG suction.

No temperatures (YEAH!!!!) and incision looks good. He's not had any food now in 7 days and that doesn't help with the weak feelings. He did say that the Starbucks coffee smelled good this morning and we took that as a good sign.

Everyone up here will be watching the Penguins game tonight. Hopefully Mark will feel up to watching some of the game.

Keep the prayers of healing coming this way. God bless!!


Unknown said...

I have been trying to keep up with progress and it is so great to hear that things are going so well. We were so excited to hear about the success of surgery!! Calen had a great weekend and we really enjoyed spending time with he and Mr. Bertus. Hang in there! Hopefully you will be able to come home soon.

Sheila Phelps said...

Hi I have been keeping up with your progress. I pray for you to heal fast. It sound like your one hell of a trooper.
I can not image what you are going thru. I have been at awe with the srenght you and Rhonda have had.
I pray you will look back and say it was worth it.
I know you and your family will have a great future together. God has more plans for you. Do not look back only forward. This to will pass. Hi to Matt. GOD BLESS