Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31, Halloween

Thanks for all of your supportive comments, calls and cards. They've been a great help. Mark had a good day today. He is having some discomfort from the port placement and bruising at the site, but it looks good. He hasn't really taken any pain meds and is just toughing it out. He is getting more used to his restrictive diet and is eating well. We took him out to Chappy's deli for lunch and had a great salad.

Mark took the kids out trick-or-treating later in the evening. The kids had a blast. This is the first year Emily got the concept and she was in heaven. We took pictures and the kids got lots of candy. I think the trick-or-treating wore Mark out a bit, so we came home to rest.

We are anxiously awaiting our visit Friday with Dr. Farmer. Hopefully the bilirubin will be down and we can get started on the chemo. Waiting is the hardest part right now.

Mark's parents are still here helping out which has been a blessing.


janine said...

Your family has been such a blessing. We continue to pray for better health for you!

If we don't see you at the boys' big game tonight, we will certainly do our best to yell extra loud on your behalf. Go Razorbacks! (never thought I'd say that...)

The Babbitt Family

janine said...

Oops, I mean on Monday night. Sorry. I'm new at blogging.


Joye said...

Dear Mark,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as you fight hard to beat this thing. We miss your smiling face around here, so take good care of yourself. Please let me know if I can help with the kids or anything else.

Joye Hughes